School Grades Agenda is for students of all ages.
Write down your homeworks, so you can't forget them ;)
Note your grades, this app calculates your average automatically ( you can choose between 'grade point average' or 'standard average'
Set your 'goal average', the app will calculate the grades you have to take to reach your objective
There are six different grading systems you can select
You can backup your data on Google Drive and transfer your data to another Android device.
Okul Sınıflar Gündem her yaştan öğrenciler içindir.
); Sizin ödevlerini not edin, böylece onları unutamam
notlarını Not, bu uygulama otomatik olarak ortalamasını hesaplar (siz 'not ortalaması' veya 'standart ortalamasının' arasında seçim yapabilirsiniz
Uygulamanın Hedefe ulaşmak için almak zorunda Dereceler hesaplar için 'hedef ortalamayı' Set
Seçebileceğiniz altı farklı notlandırma sistemi vardır
Başka bir Android cihaza veri aktarımı Google Drive üzerinde veri yedekleme ve.
School Grades Agenda is for students of all ages.
Write down your homeworks, so you can't forget them ;)
Note your grades, this app calculates your average automatically ( you can choose between 'grade point average' or 'standard average'
Set your 'goal average', the app will calculate the grades you have to take to reach your objective
There are six different grading systems you can select
You can backup your data on Google Drive and transfer your data to another Android device.